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    First diagnosed with Dysthmia in my 30’s. Therapist said I had most likely been depressed all of my life. Now diagnosed with Major Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, etc. Have tried 3 SSRI drugs. They are not working. Tried a Mood stabilizer last year. Just got prescribed another one. So in the meantime, I am trying TMS.

    I have only had 5 sessions and on my way home today I started crying and it hasn’t stopped. I distracted myself with a couple of things I had to get done, but crying has continued.

    Could this be a dip this soon in the treatment?

    Have appt with psychiatrist’s PA tomorrow. This will definitely be the topic of the day.

    In the meantime – to hell with it – I have taken my anti-anxiety drugs. Had been free of them for the last two weeks. I might also add I’m in talk therapy!

    And, have any of you tried Ketamine?

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