In Dec. 2011 we were hit from behind. I couldn’t believe it, because we’ve flown all over the Arctic and drove in Alaska forever. Then we come down to Tennessee and someone hits us in the rear. I immediately start shaking uncontrollably. Yep, I have whip lash. I begin having anxiety attacks & my neck starts killing me.

In February 2012 Ronnie has a wreck, I go to the hospital quoting scripture to myself when I see a police man shaking his head and I assumed Ronnie was dead. The bottom fell out of my heart and I had a breakdown.  Praise the Lord. Ronnie survived with a broken back, stroke, a fib, and pneumonia.  My sweetheart made it. But by now I am a wreck.

It takes a year and half for me to pull through my emotional wreck and about a year for Ronnie to fully recover. I felt so guilty because I couldn’t shake it & Ronnie was the one who almost died. It was like I was in a deep well of darkness and only isolation made it still.

One consolation I carried in my heart was that God makes no mistakes even when it hurts and He knew exactly what he was doing. It didn’t matter whether I understood or not. Through His leading I met Dr. Jennings that said sometimes when you have trauma your synapse, receptors, and neurons in your brain are damaged and they are unable to catch the serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, maybe TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) will work. The stimulation is supposed to enable your receptors, synapse and neurons to do their job.

After the first week of one hour a day treatments I began to not feel so panicky and went to the store with Ronnie without having anxiety.  Next, I washed my daughter’s dishes having a little bit of energy. Next thing you know I am cooking a meal. By the end of six weeks I am getting dressed and singing “Oh how I love Jesus”. Ronnie comes running into the room and says you’re singing. I stopped and realized I am actually singing from my heart. We both start singing with our arms raised praising God. That was six months ago.

Now as I close my eyes at night I say this has been the BEST DAY EVER as I hug my sweetheart and snuggle him close with thanksgiving that he is ALIVE and I have return back to myself. JOY IS watching God bring you out of a deep dark well and being thankful that God is the LORD of our lives.Please, when you go through a very sorrowful time don’t blame God or get mad at the only ONE who can see you through for He is good no matter what happens in our lives.


Occupation: N/A

I stopped and realized I am actually singing from my heart.