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    I’ve had TMS treatment (unilateral, right-side only) for about two weeks now. I’ve always been an anxious person, prone to bouts of severe OCD and depression. A TMS doctor said that the anxiety I feel from TMS isn’t really “anxiety”, but rather the increase in monoaminergic (norepinephrine, serotonin, etc.) signaling is leading to activation and stimulation. This sounds like mincing words to me. Anyone else experience this? This is a new level of panic and anxiety. Have bilateral treatments helped? I don’t know if I should ride this out or quit before it gets WORSE.




    Everyone is different, but I wish I would have stopped treatment . I tried to “push” on and now am experiencing side effects lasting from treatment. I was doing bilateral and while it sounds nice thinking that this anxiety is the depression rising to the surface or whatever, I have to believe that in many cases it’s the machine overstimulating something. It’s a tough place to be because you want results but you’re unsure whether to continue. …

    Wishing you the best



    I agree 100% – it SOUNDS plausible when the technician tells me my existing anxiety is “rising to the surface” but this is a markedly different feeling then the regular anxiety I am used to. What side effects do you currently have? They have suggested I start right-side as well this week. I agree the machine is definitely stimulating something. Maybe they can lessen the intensity.




    I still get bouts of anxiety interspersed with dips in mood. It felt like I was on speed or something when i was doing it … was very uncomfortable and couldn’t pay attention to anything because my mind felt so jacked. My brain was definitely being overstimmed. I also had trouble sleeping and my chest would be tight and heart race. It was not a good experience. Its hard when you have professionals telling you things and they have a way words – Trust your gut though. Let me know if you have any other questions …



    Literally the same thing…very activated, distracted, insomnia, physical symptoms…a much different anxiety than what I’m used to. Some meds gave me those side effects (Wellbutrin, Zoloft) and I got off them. Anyway, you’re right about their way with words. I’ve been told repeatedly “as the cloud of deprsssion lifts, the anxiety rises to the surface” as if it’s been rehearsed like that.
    So the right side didn’t help at all? Last week my doctor said he’d start doing both left and right this upcoming week.
    I’m nervous; some say stick with it, it’s worth it – others like yourself regret their own tenacity. I’m sorry for you. What will you do now?




    Right side may have helped for a couple hours afterwards ,… but it wasn’t “magic” like they claimed it would be in keeping the activation down. It wasn’t this balancing act they portrayed so eloquently with words.

    I definitely regret my tenacity as I wanted to see this through till the end – it was a big investment. I was sick of the pill game so I went all out.

    Now all I can is pray and hope I will get some relief … eat well and be easy on myself.



    Did you ever try right-side only?




    I did right side only for a week to try to settle the anxiety from the initial treatments … but really didn’t give it long




    I came out of it! After a few more sessions, my mood has lifted significantly. Technician told me it was the dip. It was rough, but I’m going to continue treatment.



    Great @jcl311

    You came out of the depression or the anxiety (both?). How is the anxiety- still feeling really activated ??



    Thank you.
    The anxiety was the killer for me during the dip period. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. The depression was feeling like TMS was making me worse. However…both are dramatically better. I began bilateral treatments the other day too. Anxiety isn’t gone, but now I wake up happy to start the day instead of being filled with fear and nerves.

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