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  • in reply to: Please help, Im on a hellish emotional roller coaster #33679


    Hi Glo,

    Just curious how you’re doing now, a few weeks later? I had the dip a couple weeks ago as well, and then had some really great days. Now I feel like I’m somewhere in between and hoping I’m gonna get the lift again! Hoping you’re feeling much better!


    in reply to: TMS for Episodic Anxiety/Depression #33595


    Hi Colleen,

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. I’m wondering if you’d be willing to exchange emails? I’d like to chat with someone who has completed TMS and has found success. Today was treatment number 14. The last few weeks, since I posted have been really good, not 100%, but much better. Then yesterday afternoon I had a bit of a dip that has continued through today. Of course it’s in these moments that we turn to the internet! Just looking for some moral support through this journey from someone who’s been there. If you’re up for it, my email address is: Thanks.

    in reply to: The effects don't seem to be lasting #33553


    So glad to hear that! Thank you for your response. I just had number 6 yesterday… I’m doing 3 per week as I work full time… and already this weekend is better than last weekend. I have my ups and downs, but I feel like I have a little more peace and am not quite as anxious or sad. I reaaaally hope it continues! I’ve read about “the dip” and that has me a little nervous, but if it can get me to a place where I feel lots better… I’ll take it! Any other wisdom you have to share is greatly appreciated!

    in reply to: The effects don't seem to be lasting #33548


    Hey patjrvj,

    Just curious how you’re doing now? Are your sessions done? Are you feeling better? I’m just starting my journey. Hope you’re doing well.


    in reply to: Feeling worse during the beginning #33547


    Hi Weezay,

    I’m not sure how much hope I can offer, but perhaps we can share our journey. I just had my 4th treatment yesterday. My insurance will pay for 36 sessions, but I’m only doing 3 a week (more when possible) because of work. I’m on the rollercoaster too. After the first couple I had some good days, or at least hours, then today was really hard. I’m almost afraid to go tomorrow and Friday, but there’s part of my that just wants to plow ahead to 36 in hopes it will make a difference. I’d be happy to connect for mutual support if you’re interested. Hope you’re doing better than on the 3rd!


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