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  • in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31226


    You just said ” I was trying to say that everyone’s journey is different so if someone experiences a lift at 2 weeks and someone else hasn’t experienced it at 4 weeks, that it doesn’t mean treatment isn’t working”. Ok, I NEVER said that it doesn’t mean treatment isn’t working. ?? I said a few times, I am committed to going and finishing my treatments. I was simply saying what was/is happening to me. I will not participate on a site where one’s words are scrutinized into what one “thinks” I said. Also you suggest we “Try not to compare (yourself with others) but just discuss individual differences.” Isn’t discussing individual differences similar to comparing yourself to others? So I can’t talk about my experience and compare it to how someone else is doing? Why not? You don’t have the market on telling people that to think, feel, or write do you? I feel with the above rules you seems to have set, that anything I say pertaining to my treatment and HOW I say it, will be picked apart. NO THANKS! I thought coming on here was for help not be judged on my words, I have enough to deal with in my life I don’t need a stranger picking at me within 3 days of me being on here. Thank you and Best wishes.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31224


    The comment above, makes me not want to comment anymore. I am not sure what was meant by saying….”Try not to compare (yourself with others) but just discuss individual differences. It may be more helpful when gathering information, advice or just venting a frustration to keep in mind that this is YOUR journey”. So I will now delete my account. Good luck everyone.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31218


    Jrb 484-629-5128 text me. I understand

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31215


    Wow that is great remission! I love to hear that. Last week as I said I started to feel a glimmer of hope…..but the last 2 days….were not that good. Not bad, but its like the glimmer of hope got smaller. But, I think that is just part of the process and I am ready to go back on Monday and stay positive, that ….this too shall pass. I like the idea of the booster treatments and I am so so so happy for you that your in remission. I swear even if it ends up not working for me (which I think it will)….am so glad when I hear others say it has done amazing things for them. Thank you for sharing your story! Best wished to you always.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31198


    Your welcome. I am not one for writing things especially personal things in public like this. Even some of my close friends have no idea I have lived with depression for decades. But at times it was manageable, until a few years ago. Now I am to the point where I truly hit rock bottom and you get to the point where, your tired of hiding it, and having to make excuses as to why you can’t attend events etc. And I needed help. Again today I feel decent, and I just can’t believe it. Now I am not happy and care free…but I am just……feeling ok and like I can handle whatever happens. Jrb best wishes with your treatment and we will see this through to the end. I am committed to finish it.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31196


    Stick with it and see what happens. And if you need to rest or take the it easy after treatment, then do that. Everyone is different. I wish you all the best. Keep us updated.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31194


    I agree. Depression is what makes me not do things and makes that I can’t get going in life. Some of my TMS appointments I do over my lunch break and go right back to work and not miss a beat. And believe me the first 2 weeks were so hard to keep a positive attitude and to keep going. But I am so glad I did not stop. I will continue with all 36. I actually can’t wait to go back tomorrow at lunch for my next visit. I’m telling you, when you get that glimmer of hope, that you have not felt in years…and after trying so many meds…..its almost like you can’t believe it.

    in reply to: First TMS Appointment (Post-Consultation) #31193


    Hi, I started my TMS treatments on Jan. 2, 2018. I never heard of it until a few weeks ago on a Dr.Phil rerun they had on a Doctor, and they showed brain scans before and after TMS. I thought wow, I have to try that. Since for the last couple of years I have tried about 10 different meds with little results. I was and still am skeptical. That’s just how I am. My first visit was easy. Sure I had a little pain into my left eye, it has gotten better. The tapping doesn’t bother me. I was so tired a few times from working that I started to fall asleep in the chair. The techs are great at the place I go to. Now the first 2 weeks I felt the same. But last week….I noticed that I wasn’t in such a hurry to go to bed at night ( I enjoyed sleeping so much because, its like death without the commitment). I don’t feel happy but I’m starting not to feel that…..horrible…total hopelessness, like what is the sense in even breathing type of feeling. And when asked what I’m sad about my answer has always been the same…Everything and Nothing. That is the only was I can describe it. Weekends (since I don’t have to work weekends) had been me getting up eating, and going back to bed. I am ashamed to say at times not wanting or getting a bath. And that is so…not me. This past weekend was the first time in a couple years I felt a glimmer of hope. Just a glimmer. Something is working. And believe me I am skeptical. But…..we will see how it goes. I am at 15 of 36 treatments. I just feel different. Not like a huge change but I am not feeling as I had. This was my last resort. I hate to say this and I don’t mean to be negative, but some will understand. I had gotten to the point that, I just had enough, and life was getting to be, just…not for me. A friend recently asked about depression and he could not believe what I said…..If someone gave me all the money in the world, it would not change a thing I would still feel this way, it would not matter. He was shocked, thinking that. money or things or spouses etc. can magically make you better. It just does not work that way for a Major Depressive Disorder which is what I have been diagnosed with. I will now encourage people to try TMS and I hope I continue to feel better. Even if I stay the way I feel now which is a tiny bit better, I’d take that. For me, the tiny bit of pain (which some people don’t even feel that) and the tapping….that is nothing compared to how I felt. My doctor asked me the other week if I can tollerate that pain I get in my eye, I told him, at that point he could jabb a pencil in my eye and I’d be fine with it, if it took my depression away. : )

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